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【Volume XII】Selling at the End of a Maintenance Cycle
CREDIT: Script/Rob Mark | Video, Audio, Animation, & Post Production/Lilith Tang | Speaker/Dave Coleman ...
【Volume XI】Operating An Orphaned Aircraft
In this video, we explain in detail why orphaned aircraft might be worth considering when acquiring a plane.
【Volume X】Aircraft Acquisitions: Considering the “What If”s
In this video, we explain how to select an aircraft for client’s mission and what real-world scenarios make the Flight Manual numbers impractical.
【Volume IX】Sales Strategies: Overcoming MRO Constraints
We start dissecting one of the biggest problems currently happening in the private aviation industry: MRO shortages.
【Volume VIII】 Aircraft Investments – Part III
This is the third and final episode of a three-part mini series regarding aircraft investments.
【Volume VII】Aircraft Investments – Part II
This is the second episode of a three-part mini series regarding aircraft investments.
【Volume VI】Aircraft Investments – Part I
This is the first episode of a three-part mini series regarding aircraft investments.
【Volume V】Finding the Perfect Aircraft Attorney
This video explains the rules of how to find the perfect aircraft attorney.
【Volume IV】Aircraft Discrepancies in Transactions
This video explains how aircraft discrepancies affect transactions.
【Volume III】The Ultimate Time Machine
In this video, we explain what does it really mean to own a business aircraft.
【Volume II】European Business Aviation Protests
This video offers our observation regarding BizAv protests occured recently.
【Volume I】The Intangible Benefits of Ownership
We present a short video explaining the intangible benefits of ownership that many overlook.